What's the weather in Fiji for my vacation? Find that out and more with the current weather, and even an interactive forecast predictor for your vacation dates.
Find out the Fiji weather forecast for the next 5 days and 15 days in Fahrenheit (°F). Actually anytime in the near future, so you can check what sort of weather you can expect for your upcoming Fiji vacation.
If you are wanting your weather in Fiji forecast in Celsius (°C) instead, visit our Fiji Weather forecast page.
It's quite the comprehensive weather application. There are loads of weather information you can find. Anything that is underlined in bright blue above, you can click to find weather information. Let's have a look.
What's on display is the Fiji forecast weather for the next 5 days including this present time.
The default setting is Nadi as this is where you will most likely touch down. Almost all international flights come to/from Nadi International Airport. Along with other options, you'll see an interactive map of nearby places to Nadi showing their current weather.
This option supplies you with hourly information on:
Plenty of information for your Fiji vacation to be sure.
This takes you to the same page as the Nadi, Fiji button.
It gives you the lowdown, of up to a couple of sentences, for the weather forecast for Fiji for that day's day and night, plus more. It's similar information to that of the Hourly Info button. Some useful information here could be:
Step 1 - click on any one of the buttons I've mentioned (Nadi, Fiji, Hourly Info, All 15 Days, or Tonight, Tomorrow, (days of the week) buttons)
Step 2 - a third of the way down the screen, choose the 'Month' option (from the 5 horizontal list options: Now, Weekend, Extended, Month, Satellite)
Step 3 - change your month (and year) options to your desired month.
As we all know, predicting weather is not an easy task and often isn't right. Especially months is advance, so take it as a rough guide. Check out our Climate in Fiji page for long term weather patterns.
This weather application has a wealth of weather information for you to access. I've outlined the more pertinent options. If you're a weather buff, then you could easily spend hours playing around in there.
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